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Thread: The Fundamentals of happiness
Post: The Fundamentals of happiness
1- Know that if you do not live within the scope of today, your thoughts will be scattered, your affairs will become confused, and your worrying will increase.
2- Forget the past and all that it cont... |
Nurul Zahra |
Diskusi Bahasa Arab, Inggeris dan sebagainya.
0 |
737 |
08-02-11, 04:02:47 |
Thread: rancangan lepas exam....
Post: RE: rancangan lepas exam....
hmm..xam pn dh jgn lupe next sem will coming what is da best planning?? must be ready for da next harap2...bersedialah utk fasa 2 ni...madah dia lbh ext... |
Nurul Zahra |
Diskusi Apa-apa Sahaja
2 |
960 |
08-01-28, 02:01:52 |
Thread: Three mistakes that are common in our everyday lives
Post: Three mistakes that are common in our everyday liv...
1) Wasting time.
2) Talking about matters that dont concern us, matters that are none of our business.
3) Being preoccupied with trivial issues. Listening to rumors, predictions, and gossip are th... |
Nurul Zahra |
Diskusi Akhawat
1 |
2,073 |
08-01-28, 02:01:50 |
Thread: Don't Be Angry
Post: Don't Be Angry
Are you feel angry anymore?? What is the same between angry and anger?
Anger is one of the factors that cause depression and sadness. The following are some ways of controlling your anger:
1) ... |
Nurul Zahra |
Diskusi Bahasa Arab, Inggeris dan sebagainya.
1 |
953 |
08-01-28, 02:01:43 |
Thread: Relief after Hardship
Post: Relief after Hardship
Hardship, no matter how great and far-reaching it becomes, never endures or lasts. Rather, the harsher and more difficulty one's circumstances become, the closer one comes to ease, comfort and relie... |
Nurul Zahra |
Diskusi Apa-apa Sahaja
0 |
845 |
08-01-22, 05:01:17 |
Thread: Be A Perspicacious Student
Post: Be A Perspicacious Student
-trust n belief urself
-work harder 4 ur future
-self improvement
-always think positive(+)
-take its easy
-wanna be da winner
-never give up
-aim ur goals
-wanna flying colours
-try 2 hit MU... |
Nurul Zahra |
Diskusi Kuliyah Kita
0 |
3,551 |
08-01-20, 03:01:00 |
Thread: Patience is most fitting
Post: Patience is most fitting
Those who meet hardship with a strong bearing and a patient countenance are in the minority. But we must consider this, though it may seem obvious: if you or me will not be patient, then what else is ... |
Nurul Zahra |
Diskusi Bahasa Arab, Inggeris dan sebagainya.
0 |
822 |
08-01-20, 03:01:49 |
Thread: Hiburan Melampau
Post: RE: Hiburan Melampau
hmm...stp negera pasti ada hiburan yg melampau...maksiat memg hati2 n berwaspada dgn keadaan mcm ni.... |
Nurul Zahra |
Diskusi Bumi Mesir
7 |
4,707 |
08-01-13, 10:01:32 |
Ya Allah,tergamaknya mereka...biarlah Allah sahaja yg membalas segala perbuatan mereka...nauzubillah min zalik... |
Nurul Zahra |
Diskusi Semasa
4 |
1,374 |
08-01-13, 10:01:11 |
Thread: Pantun 2 Kerat
Post: RE: Pantun 2 Kerat
Di langit terdapat banyak bintang,
mudah-mudahan kite dpt natijah cemerlang.
Jalan2 ke asyir toba ramli,
Moga2 imtiaz kite smua skali.. |
Nurul Zahra |
Diskusi Sastera
8 |
6,754 |
08-01-13, 10:01:17 |
Thread: What is da benefits of reading??
Post: What is da benefits of reading??
The benefits of reading...
1)Reading repels anxiety and grief.
2)While busy reading,one is prevented from delving into falsehood.
3)Habitual reading makes one too busy to keep company with the id... |
Nurul Zahra |
Diskusi Bahasa Arab, Inggeris dan sebagainya.
2 |
1,257 |
08-01-13, 10:01:51 |
Thread: Pendaftaran ke Sinai Telah Dibuka
Post: RE: Pendaftaran ke Sinai Telah Dibuka
ustz...akhawat blh g ke? ni ha ramai kwn ana tnya ni...hmm... |
Nurul Zahra |
Unit Sambutan & Rehlah
3 |
1,327 |
08-01-13, 10:01:20 |
Thread: Benarkah pelajar lepasan Azhar kureng?
Post: RE: Benarkah pelajar lepasan Azhar kureng?
sokong2...marilah g kelas tafaqquh...belajar kerana Allah s.w.t dan apa shj kerana Allah s.w.t... |
Nurul Zahra |
Diskusi Sirah & Ketamadunan Islam
12 |
3,705 |
08-01-13, 10:01:36 |
Thread: Which one is harder, english, or arabic?
Post: RE: Which one is harder, english, or arabic?
which one is harder??hmm...actually dua2 tue pretty hard...almost there r my favourite subject...huhuhu... |
Nurul Zahra |
Diskusi Bahasa Arab, Inggeris dan sebagainya.
13 |
5,815 |
08-01-13, 10:01:46 |
Thread: x dpt set up...???
Post: RE: x dpt set up...???
hmm...problem ustz ni sama dgn problm ahli bait ana...laptop/notebook dia xleh set up...bile laptopnya dihantar pd yg pakar iaitu ustz zaki...ustz zaki kata hard disknya rosak...mcm 2 la...ap... |
Nurul Zahra |
Diskusi ICT
4 |
1,161 |
08-01-13, 09:01:39 |
Thread: Pantun 2 Kerat
Post: RE: Pantun 2 Kerat
hujung minggu pergi markaz,
InsyAllah semua najah dapat MUMTAZ!!
moga najah smua.... |
Nurul Zahra |
Diskusi Sastera
8 |
6,754 |
08-01-13, 09:01:02 |
Thread: Tips2 menghafaz...
Post: RE: Tips2 menghafaz...
ooo...ingt copy paste ker??ana dpt by sms lg dr kak fitri...huhuhu...jgn jeles... |
Nurul Zahra |
Unit Pengetahuan & Bimbingan
4 |
1,294 |
07-12-30, 01:12:34 |
Thread: say:"i dont know"...
Post: say:"i dont know"...
In The Name Of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful
Peace and Blessings be Upon Sayyidina Muhammad, His family and Companions.
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa baraka... |
Nurul Zahra |
Diskusi Bahasa Arab, Inggeris dan sebagainya.
1 |
926 |
07-12-29, 01:12:49 |
Thread: Rehlah
Post: RE: Rehlah
best 2 nk g rehlah...dpt menikmati n menyaksikn keindahan alam yg Allah berikan kpd kita... |
Nurul Zahra |
Unit Sambutan & Rehlah
9 |
2,467 |
07-12-28, 12:12:26 |
Thread: kItE nAk SuAmI sOlEh tP kItE bUkAn sOleHaH..cAmNeR tU???
Post: RE: kItE nAk SuAmI sOlEh tP kItE bUkAn sOleHaH..cA...
kdg2 manusia mestilah nk yg terbaik utk diri diakn...kalo kite nk yg terbaik...kite mestilah jadi yg terbaik...kita kena change diri kita...ubah mind ingatlah hnya Allah ... |
Nurul Zahra |
Diskusi Soal Hati
14 |
4,074 |
07-12-28, 12:12:19 |